BCRA Cave Technology Symposium 9-Apr-2011 ** FINAL INFO **

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Moderators: David Gibson, Gina

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BCRA Cave Technology Symposium 9-Apr-2011 ** FINAL INFO **

Post by David Gibson » Wed 06 Apr 2011 11:41

UK Cave Technology Symposium 2011

Saturday 9 April 2011, Hulland Ward Village Hall, near Ashbourne, Derbyshire, UK. Doors open at 08:15 for breakfast. Tea, coffee, bacon butties and toast will be available.

There will be a small admission charge on the door. BCRA members and speakers will not be charged. All delegates will be offered a free copy of BCRA's Cave Surveying booklet (Cave Studies Series #11). http://bcra.org.uk/pub/cs/index.html?j=11

Accommodation for the Saturday night has been booked in a local caving cottage. Accommodation and CSG activities are being handled by Allan Richardson, tech-sym@bcra.org.uk

SATURDAY Provisional Programme
(This may alter: last-minute speakers are welcome to give short talks). Summaries or Abstracts of some of these talks can be found at http://british-caving.org.uk/phpBB2/vie ... ?t=411#980

9.00 Welcome
9.10 Video. We'll screen a couple of winning entries from recent Hidden Earth Video Salons

Mike Bedford - High Dynamic Range Photography
Michael Topsom - Using Internet tools to process photos in 3D
followed by DISCUSSION

11:00 Coffee

Jon Whiteley - Mountain and Cave Rescue using the SarCall system
followed by DISCUSSION

Kevin Dixon - Laser scanner development for 3D cave surveying,
followed by DISCUSSION, including CSG programme for weekend

13:00 Lunch. There is a local pub which will provide meals at lunchtime but it tends to be busy and you may prefer to bring your own packed lunch. BCRA publications will be on sale.

14:00 Dave Checkley - BCRA and Cave Science

Footleg - Video/AV editing using Sony Vegas Home Studio
followed by DISCUSSION

15:15 Coffee

David Gibson - How Earth Current Antennas Really Work. (Implications for deep cave exploration and expeditions)
followed by DISCUSSION

SUNDAY Provisional Programme

Morning - CREG "classroom". The BCRA library at Glutton Bridge (near to Buxton) will be open on, for browsing, and for any further 'classroom' sessions that arise out of the Saturday talks.
Afternoon - CSG "classroom" at Glutton Bridge. Featuring "paperless surveying training", following on from last year's practical session on the use of DistoX and calibration.

If there is a demand, there may also be some underground practical surveying training on Sunday morning. Numbers may be limited and if you wish to participate you must contact us or turn up on the Saturday, as final arrangements will not be made until then.
Last edited by David Gibson on Fri 15 Apr 2011 12:36, edited 1 time in total.

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David Gibson
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additional talk

Post by David Gibson » Thu 07 Apr 2011 10:49

To add to the programme...

Paul Mann - Innovative budget cave surveying using structured light triangulation

Paul will give an update on his progress to create a low cost structured light triangulating laser scanner, and then provide thoughts about using the X-Box Kinnect as the basis for a mobile automated caver-mounted survey system.

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