3rd Circular - BCRA Cave Science Symposium and Field Trip

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3rd Circular - BCRA Cave Science Symposium and Field Trip

Post by Gina » Mon 05 Oct 2015 19:59

The British Cave Research Association is pleased to give the final details of its one-day annual Cave Science Symposium sponsored by Environmental Geology and Geotechnical Consultants Ltd, to be held on Saturday 31st October, 2015. Whether you are an academic, an amateur scientist, or a caver wanting to find out more about the karst environment, you should find something of interest at the Symposium. A provisional programme of presentations is attached and the BCRA AGM will be held from 12.00 until 1.00pm. For any further information, please contact the lecture secretary, Dr. Gina Moseley by 30th October at: gina.moseley[at]uibk.ac.at



Registration will take place on the day between 9.00 and 9.30 am. Entry to the building will be via the main entrance in the quad (marked *Entrance on Floor G http://www.museum.manchester.ac.uk/your ... 15_WEB.pdf). The admission charge, to include morning and afternoon refreshments, will be £5, with free entry to speakers, students and BCRA members. Donations to help finance the meeting will also be accepted.

Venue & Transport

The venue will be the Lecture Theatre at The Manchester Museum, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL. The event is being hosted by Graham Proudlove and Prof. Andrew Chamberlain.

The best way to visit is by public transport or by bike. You can also come by car and park in the multi-storey pay and display car park on Booth Street West, just around the corner from the museum. Information on how to get to the venue can be found at: http://www.museum.manchester.ac.uk/yourvisit/travel/


There are many options for places to eat along Oxford Road, however, a cold sandwich lunch can also be provided by the Manchester Museum at a cost of £3 per head. It will take place outside the lecture theatre being used for the Symposium. Please email Gina Moseley (gina.moseley[at]uibk.ac.at) by 10th October, 2015 if you would like a lunch.

Other lunch options include:
- Two pubs within 5 minutes walk (The Grafton and The Salutation), both do food.
- Cafe Muse, within the Museum, sells meals and sandwiches, but is popular and may be busy
- University Union, one minute, sells sandwiches
- Possibly University Place, one minute, sells sandwiches

Evening Meal – Saturday 31st October, 2015

Following the symposium, we will head for an informal evening meal on the famous Manchester curry mile. The exact restaurant has yet to be decided. If you would like to join us for the meal, please confirm your attendance by 10th October, 2015 with Gina Moseley (gina.moseley[at]uibk.ac.at) so plans may be finalised with the restaurant.


Accommodation options are available from the Visit Manchester website: http://www.visitmanchester.com/#/stay


Alderley Edge Copper Mines

Spaces are still available for the field trip to the Alderley Edge copper mines.

This event will be hosted by Nigel Dibben and the Derbyshire Caving Club. Full protective caving clothing including helmet, boots and lights will be required for trips into the mines but normal clothes, with walking boots, will be fine for exploring the surface. A maximum of 14 people can attend the field trip (although DCC can make arrangements if more than 14 want to attend) so if you are interested please contact Graham Proudlove (g.proudlove[at]manchester.ac.uk) so that we can manage the numbers. Information about the Alderley Edge copper mines is available from: http://derbyscc.org.uk/alderley/mines_list.php

Important Dates

10th October, 2015 Confirm lunch order with Gina Moseley
10th October, 2015 Confirm evening meal attendance with Gina Moseley
10th October, 2015 Confirm field trip attendance with Graham Proudlove
31st October, 2015 Cave science symposium
1st November, 2015 Field-trip to Alderley Edge Copper Mines.

Provisional Timetable 31st October, 2015

0900 Doors open, registration, book stall, coffee
0930 Welcome and housekeeping Andrew Chamberlain

Session 1. Maze Caves & Hypogene Speleogenesis 1 Chair: Andy Farrant
0940 An introduction to maze caves Graham Proudlove
1000 Speleogenesis of northern maze caves Tony Harrison
1020 Cleaves Cove, a Scottish maze cave Alan Jeffreys
1040 Coffee and posters

Session 2. Maze Caves & Hypogene Speleogenesis 2 Chair: Phil Murphy
1105 Miss Grace’s Lane Jan Karvik
1125 Maze caves in South Wales Andy Farrant
1145 Open discussion of morning presentations
1155 Pause

1300 Lunch

Session 3. Geochronology & Hydrogeology Chair: Gina Moseley
1400 Looking forward to the past: U-Pb laser ablation Chris Smith
speleothem dating
1420 Groundwater tracing techniques, a review Aidan Foley
1440 The Groundwater Maya Project Yolanda Lopez
1500 Giggleswick Scar, examples of deglacial Trevor Faulkner
1520 Coffee and posters

Session 4. Archaeology Chair: Andrew Chamberlain
1550 Reconstruction of palaeoclimate using speleothems Laura Deeprose
from Perlas Cave, Northern Spain during the period
of the Neanderthal extinction
1610 Excavation of a new entrance at Kents Cavern: new Rob Dinnis and Chris Proctor
light on the Late Pleistocene material from the cave
1630 A Later Prehistoric Mortuary Complex on the Moray Lindsey Büster
Firth: Evidence from the Covesea Caves
1650 “Beware of the Dark Side”. The environmental impact Konstantinos P. Trimmis
factor on Cave- Human relationship in the Neolithic
1710 Open discussion on afternoon presentations
1720 Summing up and work carried forward Andrew Chamberlain
1730 Details for Sunday visit to Alderley Edge mines Graham Proudlove

Poster Presentations 1040-1105 & 1520-1550

Nigel Steel Under the Uplands
Gina Moseley Devils Hole: Solving one of the great palaeoclimate enigmas of the last three decades
Gina Moseley Preliminary findings of the Northeast Greenland Caves Project

Meeting Organisers

Graham Proudlove: g.proudlove[at]manchester.ac.uk
Andrew Chamberlain: andrew.chamberlain[at]manchester.ac.uk
Gina Moseley (BCRA lecture secretary): gina.moseley[at]uibk.ac.at

Please contact Graham Proudlove for general enquiries and for details of the venue and local facilities in Manchester. Contact Gina Moseley for details of the programme and for enquiries concerning oral or poster presentations.

All are welcome, and we look forward to seeing you at the Symposium.

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Re: 3rd Circular - BCRA Cave Science Symposium and Field Tri

Post by David Gibson » Tue 06 Oct 2015 09:02

A PDF version of the 3rd circular is available here.
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