Gremlins in C&KS 35(1&2)

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David Gibson
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Gremlins in C&KS 35(1&2)

Post by David Gibson » Sat 15 Aug 2009 18:07

Gremlins in C&KS 35(1&2)

The double issue of C&KS 35(1&2) was mailed on 23 June, and is now available online at

Unfortunately a software incompatibility at our printers meant that a few paragraphs of this issue were printed incorrectly, with characters missing or misplaced. The PDFs on the web site are correct and, additionally, there is a PDF containing just the pages that were printed incorrectly, with the bad paragraphs highlighted. It is intended to issue a corrigenda sheet with the next issue. In addition, a limited number of corrected reprints will be available for those subscribers who prefer not simply to add corrigenda to their original copy. If you would like a reprint, please contact the Editor, Dr D J Lowe, c/o British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5GG, ensuring that you include your full postal address, preferably before the end of September 2009.

UserID and access code

We intended that your UserID and access code would be printed on the mailing wrappers of any mailings we sent you. In practice, this has not happened for some of the 2009 publications because ... well, lack of available time to sort it out, basically. When the info did appear, it seems to have been truncated and therefore no use to you at all. This error is an issue we're discussing with our printers. Also, your 2008 codes will no longer work. So ... if you need your access info for 2009, you should find it printed on your 2009 membership card or, if that's not to hand, please email me (see ) and I will arrange for the data to be emailed to you.