News: January 2014

BCRA News Forum. The BCRA online newsletter; announcement and discussion of items. The BCRA is a UK registered charity, and a constituent body of the BCA, undertaking charitable activities on its behalf.

Moderators: David Gibson, Gina

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David Gibson
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News: January 2014

Post by David Gibson » Sat 11 Jan 2014 19:10

A few brief items of news...

*** important ***
The data for the Cave Science Symposium and the BCRA AGM, which was 18-19 October, has had to be changed again. Apologies for this. As noted below, the date is now 25-26 October.

BCRA meetings for 2014
  • 23-26 May 2014: Cave Science Field Meeting to Buckfastleigh, Devon.
    This is a joint meeting with the William Pengelly Cave Studies Trust, who will host the event. It takes place over the second long weekend in May, and pre-registration is required for attendance. See Forum Posting for further details.
  • 13-15 June 2014: BCA AGM party weekend at the Dalesbridge Centre in the Yorkshire Dales.
    Further details to follow in the Spring. BCA would welcome offers of help with the various activities. Please contact BCA Secretary Damian Weare. As part of the weekend activities, BCRA is hoping to organise a field trip to look at the Hydrology of Chapel-le-Dale. More on this later in the Spring.
  • 26-28 September 2014: National Caving Conference Hidden Earth
    This year it is at Leek, Staffordshire. See Hidden Earth Web Site, where info will be posted later in the Spring.
  • 25 October 2014: BCRA Cave Science Symposium and BCRA AGM at the University of Birmingham. (Note 2nd change to date!)
    The Symposium will be hosted by Professor Ian Fairchild and this year's theme is 'Speleothem studies'. Presentations are requested on this or any other cave science topic, with titles and abstracts required by 15 August 2014. Attendance is open to all, without prior registration. See Forum Posting further details.
  • Cave and Karst Science 40(3), due out in December 2013, has been delayed, and should be published in January. It will be mailed to all those who were on the 2013 mailing list.
  • Speleology 19 has been delayed too. Not an auspicious start for a "re-launch", so apologies for that, but it should go to press within a week or so. It will be mailed to all those who were on the 2013 mailing list.
  • CREG journal 85 appears to be on time, so far, and is due to be mailed to subscribers in March.
  • The first chapter of Caves and Karst of the Yorkshire Dales, Volume 2 is expected to be available online in February.
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