CKS 40(1) and CREG journal 81 published

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CKS 40(1) and CREG journal 81 published

Post by David Gibson » Thu 11 Apr 2013 12:03

Cave & Karst Science 40(1)
This issue is currently in press and should be mailed in the next two weeks. The online version will be available soon at Please note that if you are a BCRA member and you have not yet paid your fees for 2013 you will not be on the mailing list for 40(1). When you eventually renew your membership you must be sure to pay for a full-year's subscription. If you take the part-year discount option you will not receive issue 40(1).

CREG journal 81
CREG is a BCRA Special Interest Group - the Cave Radio & Electronics Group. CREG journal 81 has now been published and mailed. A list of contents is at You can access it online with your BCRA user-id and access code from your 2013 membership card. CREG subscribers who are not BCRA members will have a similar id and access code that will let you access the CREG journal but not the other BCRA online content.
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