Wanted: Commissioning Editor for Speleology

BCRA News Forum. The BCRA online newsletter; announcement and discussion of items. The BCRA is a UK registered charity, and a constituent body of the BCA, undertaking charitable activities on its behalf.

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David Gibson
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Wanted: Commissioning Editor for Speleology

Post by David Gibson » Mon 30 Jan 2012 14:08

Wanted: Commissioning Editor for Speleology

Speleology is published by BCRA but is currently funded by a grant from BCA. It is sent to BCA’s Direct Individual Members, clubs, and to a number of additional subscribers. It is also provided to overseas clubs as part of BCRA’s journal exchange programme. The print run is 800 copies.

The production of Speleology has been rather sporadic in recent years. In essence, this is because everyone who works for BCA / BCRA is, at heart, a volunteer – even those who do receive some remuneration. We have identified one of the causes of the delays in Speleology’s production as being due to the very slow process of commissioning articles. You can see from recent issues of the magazine that, although some individuals are diligent about reporting their expeditions and others are enthusiastic about reporting science meetings, there is still a general lack of articles about UK caving. Clearly Speleology is not a ‘news’ magazine, but it does have the potential to be an excellent ‘features’ publication. BCA has generously decided to provide funds to develop this aspect of the magazine, and so we are now attempting to recruit a commissioning editor.

Speleology is looking for a UK-based commissioning editor to act as a central contact point and to develop content for the magazine. The post will be part-time and remunerated. The successful applicant will either be employed by BCA or treated as a self-employed contractor. The salary will be negotiable within miserly, but not totally unrealistic limits. (At heart, BCA is a volunteer-based organisation and when remuneration is made, it is considered to be more of an ‘honorarium’ than a living wage). The successful applicant will work with the editor Erin Lynch. You will be expected to liaise knowledgeably with UK cavers; gathering material and producing ‘final draft’ text for the editor. You will also be expected to write your own reports of BCA / BCRA events and to produce final layout of some pages of the magazine to the present high standards. Obviously an ideal applicant will have all of the following skills/attributes. But even if you only partly fit this picture, it could still be worth discussing the post with us. You should...
  • ... have excellent written skills,
  • ... be a good communicator,
  • ... be able to contribute positively to the development of the magazine,
  • ... be familiar with the UK and expedition caving scenes, ideally as a reasonably experienced caver,
  • ... be familiar with (and ideally a frequent user of) current IT solutions – email, cavers’ web forums, desktop publishing software, etc.,
  • ... be available for contact, most of the year,
  • ... be prepared to attend some (but by no means all) BCA and BCRA events,
  • ... be prepared to attend occasional (but by no means all) BCA Council meetings,
  • ... be endowed with endless drive, unfailing enthusiasm, endless time, unwavering commitment and the necessary diplomatic skills to deal with recalcitrant cavers.
Enquiries and applications should be made to Nick Williams, n.williams@british-caving.org.uk.

notice posted by David Gibson, BCRA Secretary. 24 Jan 2012