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PocketTopo with Therion Surveying course 18/19 Feb 2011

Posted: Thu 30 Dec 2010 17:10
by David Cooke
Andrew Atkinson wrote: The CSCC is holding a Surveying course at the Wessex on the weekend of 18/19th February

This course follows the same format as the very successful weekend run in South Wales last month. Three people used the word fun to describe surveying

It will adapt to all levels of surveying but the aim of the weekend is for people who have surveyed before to convert to the use of Paperless surveying. Once tried you will not go back.

Examples of what can be done do see

(you will need Therion and/or survex installed for the 3d models)

It will take you through the process of connecting the DistoX to a pda, and calibrating it. There will be a practical session to collect some data, so bring some caving gear. followed by basic processing and introduction to some of the advance features such as morphed surface overlays, and managing large projects, with a team that are in different locations.

Program for the Weekend

10:00 Overview of the Paperless surveying
Collecting data (caving)
19:00 (ish) Producing 3D centreline, then pub

9:30 Drawing plans and producing 3D models
Connection multiple surveys

13:00 (ish) Surface overlays, including other tools needed
Google earth overlays
Other fancy outputs

Accommodation is available on the Friday

12 spaces available. There maybe up to a £10 charge to cover costs however it is hoped that this will not be needed. This does not include the accommodation.
Contact Graham Price as CSCC Chair, who is organising places

You are encouraged to bring your own computer, if you could let Graham know what operating system you have, we can try to bring everything that you might need. (Please note that macs are not well supported and I have little knowledge of how to fly them.) Bring your own DistoX and pda
would be useful, however, we will have 4 sets if you do not have any

Posted: Mon 31 Jan 2011 12:55
by David Cooke
There are still a few places left on this course.