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Posted: Mon 13 Mar 2006 16:32
by claire
please can you send me some information on Caving as i am doing an essay on it and need the relevant information on who you cater for?the activities you do. the regulation you have to follow aswell as legislation
thank you
Posted: Mon 13 Mar 2006 21:58
by Guest
Try the side bars on the left for various headings.
Posted: Mon 13 Mar 2006 22:01
by Guest
There are no regulations covering cavers unless you mean caving trips provided by outdoor pursuits centres or trips involving children or trips involving the use of explosives or trips caving on private land where the owners require proof of insurance cover etc..
Ditto for legislation. Wouldn't it just be easier to type out what the question is you're supposed to be writing an essay about and then people could point you in the right direction to find information sources which will assist you in your coursework? .....
Posted: Tue 14 Mar 2006 08:18
by Guest
Try - there's loads of cavers online there most of the time who will give you advice....