Phone (or write) to Mr. STEVEN Hadfield, Oakhouse Farm, Smalldale, Buxton, SK17 8AE (tel. 01298-22139) at least 48 hours in advance. (Note that there are 2 Mr. Hadfields on that number and it is STEVEN you need to contact.)
Please give details of intended trip, name of club and numbers involved. Avoid lambing season (10th. April to 20th. May inclusive).
Roadside parking either on Batham Gate Road, and approach via Potter Barn, or, alternatively , from east end of road at Pindale and use public footpath. Avoid obstructing gateways, leave gates as found and entrance lid secure. Mine is schedules as a RIGS.
Access to Long Rake Mine, Bradwell
- Posts: 33
- Joined: Wed 11 Jan 2006 18:49