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Statement concerning resin anchors in Mendip Caves

Posted: Mon 21 May 2007 23:50
by Les Williams
The following statement has been released by the Equipment & Techniques Committee of BCA, concerning Rhino Rift and other Mendip caves.

Following a report of loss of resin from an anchor in Rhino Rift, an investigation was put in hand by the Equipment Committee.

As a result, precautionary measures were taken where appropriate to restrict access to certain sites pending a full investigation of the problem.

As a result of this investigation the Equipment Committee have concluded that there is not a safety issue in the caves concerned.

The Equipment Committee have, however, identified some failings in the Eco Anchor program procedures and have agreed changes which are intended to prevent these problems re-occurring.

It was also agreed that the disadvantages of using a puller as part of routine testing outweigh the advantages and as a result the Equipment Committee no longer recommend that Eco Anchors be pulled as part of routine testing.

Andy Pryke
Chairman Equipment &Techniques Committee
British Caving Association

Posted: Tue 22 May 2007 00:50
by David Cooke
Following the above announcement Priddy Green Sink and Hunter's Hole have been re-opened. Access is as normal.

The anchors in the entrance to Thrupe Lane and on Ladder Dig in GB are now regarded as safe. Access will be restored as soon as the disabling kit can be removed from the afore mentioned anchors.

Rhino Rift remains closed whilst the failed anchor is replaced.