June 2023 CREG Journal Now Published

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June 2023 CREG Journal Now Published

Post by David Gibson » Wed 07 Jun 2023 09:40

June 2023 CREG Journal Now Published

A new quarterly CREG journal is now online at https://bcra.org.uk/cregj and will be mailed on paper to our subscribers to arrive by around 14 June 2023. For those of you who have made special arrangements with me to receive your subscription copy via Ebay, I will be in touch when I am ready to ship it in a few days.

CREG is The British Cave Research Association's special interest group for cave radio and electronics but, recently, CREG has broadened its remit to cover other aspects of cave technology, including surveying and photography. A list of contents, and brief descriptions of the articles in the present issue can be found at https://bcra.org.uk/cregj. The CREG journal is available online and on paper. Annual subscriptions and single back-issues can be ordered. If your online subscription has expired, you will find out when you try to log in.

CREG Field Meeting and Zoom Symposium

We are still planning to hold some sort of symposium this year, with a set of talks and some field activities, probably in Derbyshire (UK). We are hoping to stream it via Zoom, and to invite talks via Zoom too. So if you have something you would like to talk about, please start thinking about it. Some of you have already offered a talk - thank you for that. We will announce a date as soon as we can.

CES session at the 2023 NSS Convention

John DeRoo, chair of our sister organisation in the USA, the Communications and Electronics Section of the NSS, has sent out a call for papers for the CES session at the NSS convention.

On 19 May, on the CES-announce mailing list, he wrote "If you want to present in the CES session, please let me know in the next couple of days and send an abstract if you have one. As always, we will try to fit in any last minute presentations, 'lightning talks', and show-and-tell. We are scheduled to have our lunch business meeting on Monday, followed by our presentation session in the afternoon."

So, if anyone is planning on attending the NSS Convention next week, you need to contact John DeRoo fairly urgently, although you are now almost certainly too late for your abstract to go in the convention booklet. If you need any help in contacting the CES let me know and I'll give you some pointers.

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