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News; May 2023

Posted: Sat 29 Apr 2023 10:50
by David Gibson
In this newsletter ...
  • Next Online Seminar via Zoom - Monday 15 May
  • Cave & Karst Science, CREG Journal
  • Expedition Cave Science Weekend - 3-4 June
  • 34th BCRA Cave Science Symposium - 21 October
  • 51st Annual General Meeting
  • New BCRA Secretary - David Shearsmith
  • New Council Member - Chloe Snowling
Our Social media news outlets...

* Next Online Seminar via Zoom – Monday 15 May
See for details of our next two seminars, which are on Mon 15 May and Mon 12 June, at 19:30 to 21:00 BST

* Cave & Karst Science, CREG Journal
Vol 50(1) of Cave and Karst Science is now online at and the paper copies should reach you in the next few days. As noted last time, the March issue of the CREG journal is also online at

* Expedition Cave Science Weekend - 3-4 June
This will be held at South Wales Caving club and will comprise Cave Science Workshops organised jointly by the Ghar Parau Foundation and BCRA. The underground workshops on offer are 1) Cave geomorphology and geomorphological mapping in OFD (Andy Farrant). 2) Cave invertebrate fauna in OFD (Lee Knight). For further information see the Google Signup Form. In addition to the workshops, there will be opportunities in the evenings to talk about the science that can be undertaken on caving expeditions; and how to make it happen.

* 34th BCRA Cave Science Symposium - 21 October
This year's Science Symposium will be at the University of Leeds, on Saturday 21 October, organised by Simon Bottrell. On Sunday 22nd October there will be a field excursion, led by Phil Murphy, to include Gillfield Level at Greenhow and caves of Nidderdale. There is no charge for these events but donations are requested to support the running costs, particularly from participants in the Gillfield level visit who will be asked to make a small contribution towards the costs of maintaining access to this important part of our underground heritage.

CALL FOR PAPERS: Anyone wishing to present a paper or poster at the symposium or who has any other queries should contact the programme organiser, Simon Bottrell (See

* 51st Annual General Meeting
The 2023 Annual General Meeting of the BCRA (the 51st AGM) will be held on Saturday 21 October 2023 at 12:00-12:50 BST, during a break in our Science Symposium. Details will be posted to a few weeks before the event.

* New BCRA Secretary - David Shearsmith
BCRA Council recently co-opted a new Council member, David Shearsmith. Council has now voted to elect David to the post of BCRA Secretary from 2nd July (the date of our next Council meeting) to replace David Gibson who is standing down from the post.

* New Council Member - Chloe Snowling
BCRA Council has co-opted an additional Council member, Chloe Snowling. Chloe introduces herself thus: Throughout my undergraduate degree, I became deeply interested in the field of cave science, which led me to pursue a two-year research internship with the Innsbruck Quaternary Research Group in Austria. During my time with the research group, I had the opportunity to assist on various field projects and cave expeditions, which further fuelled my passion for caving. In 2021, I relocated back to the UK to pursue postgraduate studies, and I am currently in my first year of my PhD program at Northumbria University. My research focuses on reconstructing the past monsoon in Vietnam through the use of cave stalagmites.

David Gibson
BCRA Secretary, for the time being