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News; February 2023

Posted: Sun 05 Feb 2023 18:03
by David Gibson
In this newsletter ...
  • 2023 BCRA Online Seminars via Zoom
  • Cave & Karst Science, CREG Journal
  • Exploring the Karst and Caves of the Gower Peninsula
Our Social media news outlets...

* 2023 BCRA Online Seminar via Zoom - MONDAY 13 FEBRUARY

In 2023, BCRA celebrates its 50th anniversary. To mark this occasion we are hosting a series of online seminars that will promote the scientific importance of caves and karst. The second of these seminars will be in a week's time on Monday 13 February 2023 at 19:30 GMT.

Dan Matthews, a PhD student at the University of Leeds will speak in a talk entitled "It's karst Jim, but not as we know it: hydrologic tracing to public-water supply abstractions in the English Chalk".

For further information, including how to log on to the event, see

If, as part of this series of seminars, you would like to offer a talk on a science topic that you think would be of interest to a broad caver audience then please contact John Gunn with a title and a few words about your suggested content.

* Cave & Karst Science, CREG Journal

The late-running December issues of both Cave & Karst Science and the CREG journal have now been delivered. They are also online.

* Exploring the Karst and Caves of the Gower Peninsula

The new book from BCRA, Exploring the Karst and Caves of the Gower Peninsula, has now been published. Some sample pages can be found at and the order form is at