News; March 2022

BCRA News Forum. The BCRA online newsletter; announcement and discussion of items. The BCRA is a UK registered charity, and a constituent body of the BCA, undertaking charitable activities on its behalf.

Moderators: David Gibson, Gina

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David Gibson
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News; March 2022

Post by David Gibson » Thu 31 Mar 2022 13:00

In this newsletter ...
  • Honorary Life Membership awarded to Dr Alexander Klimchouk
  • CREG journal 117 now published
  • Cave & Karst Science volume 49(1)
  • Meetings in 2022
  • BCRA Review 2021
  • BCRA Council for 2022
Our Social media news outlets...
* Honorary Life Membership awarded to Dr Alexander Klimchouk

BCRA has awarded Honorary Life Membership of the Association to Dr Alexander Klimchouk, the leading Ukrainian Cave and Karst Scientist. Dr Klimchouk has made major contributions to hydrogeology and speleogeology. His many published works include the seminal book "Hypogene Speleogenesis" and the books "Speleogenesis: Evolution of Karst Aquifers and Hypogene Karst Regions" and "Caves of the World" for both of which he was lead editor. The award is made to Dr Klimchouk but it is also a mark of our respect for the courageous stand of the Ukrainian people in the face of the Russian onslaught on their nation. you can read the full statement on our News Forum and Facebook pages - see URLs above.

* CREG journal 117 now published

CREG journal 117 is online and was mailed on 5 March. This issue includes a couple of topics that will be of interest to photographers - one on stereoscopic photography and one describing image-processing software that can make faded rock art visible. There are also articles on rock drilling and lunar lava tubes. A list of contents and brief descriptions of the articles can be found at

* Cave & Karst Science volume 49(1)

CKS 49(1) is due out in April. It might be subject to a slight delay, but we are still aiming for the end of April. To receive it, please ensure that your membership is up-to-date. If you have not renewed, you will not be on the mailing list, and your online ID will expire.

* Meetings in 2022

We have planned several face-to-face meetings for 2022, and we will flesh out our events calendar as soon as possible. The next meeting is a Field Meeting at Lower Winskill Farm, on "Historic Cave Markings", which will be on Sat 04 Jun, led by Vince Simmonds.

Our Cave Science Symposium and AGM will be on Saturday 08 October at the University of Manchester; hosted by Prof. Cathy Hollis. This will be a live event, but we hope to stream it on Zoom as well. Brief details will be on the BCRA News forum in due course, including a template for submitting lecture abstracts. Details of the event will be posted a few weeks before the event.

BCRA's AGM will take place during a break in the Science Symposium at 12:00 to 12:50. Details will be posted to a few weeks before the event.

One meeting we are not able to finalise at the moment is Hidden Earth, the National Caving Conference. We are hoping to run it in 2022, but a major problem is that many of the venues that are suitable for us are still unable to take bookings because their facilities have been reduced or reallocated during the pandemic; and one is still being used as a vaccination centre! We will make an announcement as soon as we can.

* BCRA Review 2021

Our idea to bring out an annual "review" seems to have been successful. Most back issues are still available on paper and all can be downloaded free of charge from

We are now starting to assemble the 2021 Review, for publication later this year. If anybody has any contribution they would like to make - photos, articles and so on - please contact David Gibson or Phil Wolstenholme as soon as possible.

* BCRA Council for 2022

As reported previously, we welcome new Council members Simon Bottrell and Mike Rogerson in 2022; Simon being our new President. We have also co-opted our publicity officer, Linda Wilson, to Council for the remainder of 2022. Additionally, Council has appointed David Cooke as our IT manager.
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