December 2021 CREG Journal Now Published
Posted: Tue 07 Dec 2021 13:45
A new quarterly CREG journal is now online at
The printed version should be mailed by 13th of this month.
This is the UK's scheduled "last posting date for Christmas" for counties
outside Europe but, hopefully there wont be any delay in deliveries.
Paper subscribers in the EU should note that there might be a difficulty
in delivering the current issue to you. If you missed the posting
to the creg-announce list, please read the notice, "CREG subscribers
in the EU" at
If your online subscription has expired, you will find out when you try
to log in. If your paper CREG subscription is due to expire, we will
send you an email in a few days. Please renew at
The UK-based Cave Radio & Electronics Group (CREG) is a Special Interest
Group of the British Cave Research Association (BCRA). It publishes a
journal that aims to be an international forum for cave electronics.
The contents of each issue are listed at
Subscriptions are available for the printed edition and for online
The printed version should be mailed by 13th of this month.
This is the UK's scheduled "last posting date for Christmas" for counties
outside Europe but, hopefully there wont be any delay in deliveries.
Paper subscribers in the EU should note that there might be a difficulty
in delivering the current issue to you. If you missed the posting
to the creg-announce list, please read the notice, "CREG subscribers
in the EU" at
If your online subscription has expired, you will find out when you try
to log in. If your paper CREG subscription is due to expire, we will
send you an email in a few days. Please renew at
The UK-based Cave Radio & Electronics Group (CREG) is a Special Interest
Group of the British Cave Research Association (BCRA). It publishes a
journal that aims to be an international forum for cave electronics.
The contents of each issue are listed at
Subscriptions are available for the printed edition and for online