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Insurance - designed by cavers for cavers!

Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2019 00:51
by BCA

Expedition Insurance for UK Cavers
Designed by Cavers for Cavers!

In recent years, cavers travelling abroad on expedition have had to buy their travel insurance from various commercial outlets, however many have had concerns – is cave exploration covered? Age limits? Will the insurer actually pay out??.....

The BCA have been working hard on behalf of their members to solve this problem and are pleased to announce the launch of:
  • An underwritten policy for UK resident cavers caving abroad.
  • Realistic search and rescue cover and age limits
  • ALL expedition members can be insured on one policy (Reassurance for expedition leaders)
  • To cover rescue expenses, even in an area with no local rescue back up.
  • 3 options - All expedition members, individual annual or single trip.
How has the above come about?

Howard Jones, BCA Treasurer and Insurance Manager spoke to a number of third parties with similar insurance policies to the one needed by cavers, including the BMC. He knew from 40 years of experience with business insurance, access to the under writer was key.

The BCA brokers (Howdens) have been involved with the BMC scheme for a many years working recently with Peter Hayman of P J Hayman & Company who not only have their own scheme (Adventures) but are responsible for the BMC scheme. A number of meetings were held with Howden, Peter and potential underwriters and Howard consulted with Andy Eavis, Nick Williams, and Robin Weare from a BCA perspective plus a number of active expedition cavers. Andy in particular has been heavily involved throughout.

More details:
  • The makeup of the scheme is similar to the BMC scheme - an adventure policy focused on caving but covering other activities too.
  • A number (14) of different sections have differing claims limits - These include all the normal cover such as cancellation, lost
    passport etc., but most importantly focus on caving and rescue.
  • Cover is open to BCA members resident in the UK.
  • Worldwide cover except Iran and areas where FCO advise no go. Zoning of different regions of the world.
  • Three options: Expedition insurance covering all members (to be encouraged) probable discount for 20 or more members , single
    expedition insurance for Individuals, annual insurance for individuals who takes part in a number of activities in a year.
  • Activities include, mountaineering, skiing, biking etc.
  • Expedition cover to be flexible until just before departure to allow for changing member details.
  • Definition of search and rescue agreed with BCA.
  • Commercially viable compared to alternatives, especially for exploration with no local rescue team.
  • Available for exploratory and non-exploratory foreign trips.
  • Over 65’s more expensive to cover due to world-wide accident statistics. Cover available up to 74 years of age, beyond that by
  • Cave diving is included, but only by application. Hopefully over time we can improve this element.