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Diary dates for 2017

Posted: Sun 30 Oct 2016 17:07
by David Gibson
Diary Dates
  • BCRA Field Meeting. Caves and Karst of the Gower Peninsula. More info soon. Also see Facebook
  • September 2017. Hidden Earth - Info in Spring 2017 on Hidden Earth web site
  • 21 October 2017. BCRA Cave Science Symposium and BCRA AGM at Leeds - Info in Spring 2017 on BCRA News Forum
  • 22 October 2017. BCRA field meeting - to be announced - Info in Spring 2017 on BCRA News Forum
Council Meetings
  • Meeting #168: 26 Feb 2017
  • Meeting #169: 25 June 2017
  • Meeting #170: 15 October 2017
  • AGM 2017: 21 October 2017

Re: Diary dates for 2017

Posted: Thu 17 Nov 2016 18:56
by Kostas

The first British Cave Research Association field meeting for 2017 will be held at Port Eynon on the Gower Peninsula, South Wales. The meeting aims to provide a full weekend of walks, caves and talks about the geology, geomorphology, archaeology and speleogenesis of the caves of Gower. Please find attached the 1st circular and book early because Gower is very popular in May!

If you have any queries about bookings and travel to Gower contact me!