SMTP and POP3 servers are working fine, but none of the three offered webmail apps do anything other than sit there with a blank screen. Cookie - I have emailed you a couple of user accounts and passwords for you to try, so you can see this for yourself. If I switch on JavaScript error reporting, I get...
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Multiple 'X-Frame-Options' headers with conflicting values ('DENY, sameorigin') encountered when loading 'https://webmail.********/cpsess********/3rdparty/roundcube/?_task=mail'. Falling back to 'DENY'.
Refused to display 'https://webmail.********/cpsess********/3rdparty/roundcube/?_task=mail' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'DENY, sameorigin'.
Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to read the 'contentDocument' property from 'HTMLIFrameElement': Sandbox access violation: Blocked a frame at "https://webmail.********" from accessing a frame at "null". The frame being accessed is sandboxed and lacks the "allow-same-origin" flag.
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The site specified an invalid Strict-Transport-Security header.