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CANCELLATION of May Field Meeting

Posted: Sat 23 Apr 2016 13:33
by Rob Gill
With regret, we are cancelling the CREG Field Meeting which had been scheduled for the weekend of 21-22 May in the Mendips.

We have had a number of people inform us that they cannot attend and no confirmations of attendance or expressions of interest. Whilst we would have continued with even a small gathering, this time I feel that it would be below critical mass, with insufficient demonstrations and trials to make it worthwhile.

We have, instead, decided to focus our energies on EuroSpeleo 2016, based at the Dalesbridge Centre, Yorkshire, from 13 to 20 August. More thoughts on what exactly CREG might do at EuroSpeleo will follow shortly, but it will present a unique opportunity to spend time with CREG members from further afield.

I firmly believe that CREG Field Meetings are viable and bring considerable benefits to the Group, not just in being interesting, stimulating and sociable events, but also in providing opportunities for experimentation with more volunteers than can otherwise be roped in to help! Field Meetings, in turn, very often result in interesting material for the Journal.

For some time, CREG has relied on a very small number of people to make things happen. Real life tends to get in the way and reduce the amount of attention that can be paid to organising things. That said, Field Meeting organisation alone should not take too much of someone’s time and we’d like to invite anyone with a bit of energy to try their hand at organising the next gathering, perhaps in the Autumn.

My apologies for the relatively short notice.
Rob Gill