News; July 2014

BCRA News Forum. The BCRA online newsletter; announcement and discussion of items. The BCRA is a UK registered charity, and a constituent body of the BCA, undertaking charitable activities on its behalf.

Moderators: David Gibson, Gina

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David Gibson
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News; July 2014

Post by David Gibson » Thu 10 Jul 2014 14:39

  • Exploring the Limestones of South Devon
  • BCRA Research Fund and Bursaries
  • Diary Dates - incl. 2nd Circular for Cave Science Symposium
  • Publications update - incl. Caves of Ingleborough
Exploring the Limestones of South Devon
This is a new book, published by the William Pengelly Cave Studies Trust, and launched at their joint field meeting with BCRA last month. It is written and presented in a similar style to BCRA's Cave Studies Series booklets; A5, 126 pages in full colour throughout. This book is available from WPCST and also from BCRA. It is not yet shown on our web site (because I havent got round to it yet), but if anyone is particularly eager for a copy, please go to to order a copy. The price is £8.00 plus £1.50 postage to the UK. There is a 20% discount on the cover price for members of BCRA. The book will be available on the BCRA stand at Hidden Earth.

BCRA Research Fund and Bursaries
There has been little take-up, so far, of the BCRA / Hidden Earth Cave Science Bursaries that are now available. This is a project that uses some of the surplus from Hidden Earth to fund undergraduate dissertation projects. In addition to this funding BCRA Council has agreed to top-up its Research Fund with a further £25,000 for the five years from 2015. Details of BCRA's Research Fund and the BCRA / Hidden Earth Cave Science Bursaries can be found at

Diary Dates
26-28 September 2014: National Caving Conference "Hidden Earth"; This year it is at Leek, Staffordshire. See
Online bookings will open in a couple of weeks.

25 October 2014: BCRA Cave Science Symposium and BCRA AGM at the University of Birmingham.

Symposium: this will be hosted by Professor Ian Fairchild and this year's theme is 'Speleothem studies'. Presentations are requested on this or any other cave science topic, with titles and abstracts required by 15 August 2014. Attendance is open to all, without prior registration. The SECOND CIRCULAR has now been issued and can be downloaded from

AGM: In case there is still anyone who hasnt been paying attention, please note that BCRA's AGM will *not* be at Hidden Earth, this year. Instead, it will be held on Saturday 25 October 2014, at 12:00, during the BCRA Cave Science Symposium at the University of Birmingham. A draft agenda can be found at and the final notice and agenda will be circulated to all members during September.

26 October 2014: visit to Dudley Limestone Mines and Wren’s Nest NNR

As part of the Science Symposium / AGM weekend, we have arranged a visit to Dudley Limestone Mines and the Wren’s Nest National Nature Reserve. The meeting will be led by Graham Worton, of the Dudley Museum. An information sheet can be downloaded from (see under the Science Symposium posting)

Publications update
Speleology 20 has been delayed, but will issued as soon as possible. We're now looking at August/September. Please do not let this hiccup prevent you from writing articles, as we expect to "catch up" later in the year.

A reminder: The first downloadable chapter of Caves & Karst of the Yorkshire Dales, Volume 2 - Caves of Ingleborough - is on the BCRA website where it is available as a PDF download. BCRA Members will need to use the User-ID and access code given on your membership card. Non-members can purchase an ID.

A reminder: We have now implemented "open access" to the online version of Cave & Karst Science. Non-members of BCRA can now register for a free user ID (valid for a month) to allow them to download any of the available online content of C&KS. Please note that Open Access applies ONLY to C&KS. It does *not* apply to the rest of BCRA's online content, e.g. the Yorkshire Dales book.
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