News; April 2023

BCRA News Forum. The BCRA online newsletter; announcement and discussion of items. The BCRA is a UK registered charity, and a constituent body of the BCA, undertaking charitable activities on its behalf.

Moderators: David Gibson, Gina

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David Gibson
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Joined: Thu 16 Mar 2006 23:45

News; April 2023

Post by David Gibson » Fri 07 Apr 2023 16:18

In this newsletter ...
  • Next Online Seminar via Zoom – Monday 17 April
  • Cave & Karst Science, CREG Journal
Our Social media news outlets...

* Next Online Seminar via Zoom – Monday 17 April

It seems that our Google calendar was not updated with some date changes, so please note that the next three seminars are on ...

Mon 17-April, 19:30 to 21:00 BST
Mon 15-May, 19:30 to 21:00 BST
Mon 12-June, 19:30 to 21:00 BST

...thus breaking our "first Monday of the month" rule, which seems often to to clash with public holidays. The next seminar is on 17 April - details at

* Cave & Karst Science, CREG Journal

Both these periodicals are still running a little late. The March issue of the CREG journal is now out - see If you live outside the UK and receive it on paper, please see the notice at

The April issue of C&KS is having the finishing touches put to it now, but it usually spends several weeks at the printers, so it might not appear until early May, but it should be online before then.

David Gibson
BCRA Secretary, for the time being
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