BCRA Events Calendar for 2020

BCRA News Forum. The BCRA online newsletter; announcement and discussion of items. The BCRA is a UK registered charity, and a constituent body of the BCA, undertaking charitable activities on its behalf.

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David Gibson
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BCRA Events Calendar for 2020

Post by David Gibson » Wed 25 Dec 2019 17:18

This is the planned list of events for 2020. Further information is usually posted here before each event, but please also check our Facebook page and the BCRA web site. Please contact us if you have a question.
  • 28-29 March 2020 - "Expedition Cave Science" weekend seminar at TSG club headquarters in Castleton, Derbyshire. Jointly organised by GPF and BCRA. This weekend event will include field work in Peak Cavern. Further details on BCRA News forum, early in 2020.
  • Spring 2020 (date to be announced) - CREG field meeting.
  • 8-10 May 2020 - BCRA Cave Archaeology Group weekend event. Further details on BCRA News forum, early in 2020.
  • 13 June 2020 - BCRA cave science workshop / field trip at Priddy, near Wells, Somerset. Further details on BCRA News forum, in Spring 2020. This event is part of the BCA AGM weekend. The BCA AGM will take place on Sunday 14th at 10:30. See BCA web site for AGM info.
  • 20 June 2020 - BCRA field trip to Arnside and Silverdale AONB, on the border between Lancashire and Cumbria, adjoining Morecambe Bay. Meet Leader: Phil Murphy. Further details on BCRA News forum, in Spring 2020.
    This field trip will visit the caves around Silverdale's picturesque cove in the morning looking for possible clues to aid our understanding of cave development and climate history in the area. This will involve a short (1 km) walk to get to the study area and a helmet and light will be needed for a look underground. During the afternoon we will visit the impressive dolines of Deepdale near Yealand Redmayne. Approximately 4 km of walking on footpaths through forested rolling limestone country with some steep slopes.
  • September 2020 - Hidden Earth, National Caving Conference. Date and venue to be announced.
  • 14 Nov 2020 - BCRA Cave & Karst Science symposium, Hull University. Lecture Secretary: to be announced. Further details on BCRA News forum, in Spring 2020. This event is part of the BCRA AGM weekend. The BCRA AGM will take place on Saturday 14th at 12:00.
  • 15 Nov 2020 - post-symposium field trip. Further details on BCRA News forum, in Spring 2020.
Last edited by David Gibson on Thu 19 Mar 2020 22:17, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: dropped from announce to sticky
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